Choices choices ... there is so much good stuff going on this week, I don't even know where to start. I wish I could be in 10 places at once.

Tonight, Joe LoCascio (my piano teacher and probably the best pianist in Houston) is playing at the Argentina Grill. There's also an poetry reading / open mic at Helios hosted by Mike McGuire, and an improv workshop with Andy (from the Ex) at MECA hosted by Dave Dove and the Pauline Oliveros foundation (not to mention Hands up Houston). And if you've got time between everything else, at 6pm, Welsh band Super Furry Animals will be hanging out in-store at Cactus (not playing, just hanging out while their record gets some play) before their Numbers show tonight. Free beer, hard to pass up.

Tomorrow night is a ton of cool stuff, of which the only one I can make it to is my own show at the Twelve Spot. But of course, the Cezanne Jazz Jam is also a great spot to hit, and Phuz will be at VII lounge.

And then Friday, there's the Society for the Performing Arts' performance of Philip Glass's soundtrack to Koyaanisqatsi (with a showing of the movie, of course), there's Ivan the Fool, a cool puppet show at the Barnevelder that Mike Switzer is involved with, there's a Gulf Coast reading at Brazos bookstore

Don't even get me started on Saturday ... Drop @ Borders Books & Music (at 3pm), a big 1-year birthday bash at the Proletariat featuring The Singles (as they are still temporarily known), a daytime benefit for Reprogram Radio ... Drop will hit the radio on the Soular Grooves show at 10pm that night, so definitely tune in for that (90.1 FM, or online). And Tru Sol is at the Industry Cafe.

Let it never be said that there's nothing to do in Houston.


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