Brain Dump
I'm still feeling the tumblog thing. Not coherent posts, just a bunch of stuff.
A year ago today, I got my 40,000th saved email. As of today, I'm nearly at 49,000. Today is the 313th day of 2007, which = ~10,400 saved emails this year. At this rate, I'll have on the order of a million saved emails in my lifetime (assuming, as I do, that I'll live to at least 100).
Had a very exciting East Coast / Midwest tour with the spaceshorp jazz fellas. Pics are here.
Classes are going well - this weekend is session 4/5. I finally understand Kerberos! That's been a dream of mine. Yours, too, right?

The Mueller neighborhood is really springing up. Check out our latest photos (not of our house, but of the same floor plan) and read more at our Mueller blog.

Emmet had his 2nd birthday this weekend. He celebrated by being awesome.

Found a new lightweight GTD program, Tudumo, which I am totally in love with. More to come on that, including a forthcoming post about task hierarchies vs tag clouds. Whee.
This is funny beyond words, in the vein of Marmaduke Explained: Garfield Silenced
C'est ca.
A year ago today, I got my 40,000th saved email. As of today, I'm nearly at 49,000. Today is the 313th day of 2007, which = ~10,400 saved emails this year. At this rate, I'll have on the order of a million saved emails in my lifetime (assuming, as I do, that I'll live to at least 100).
Had a very exciting East Coast / Midwest tour with the spaceshorp jazz fellas. Pics are here.
Classes are going well - this weekend is session 4/5. I finally understand Kerberos! That's been a dream of mine. Yours, too, right?

The Mueller neighborhood is really springing up. Check out our latest photos (not of our house, but of the same floor plan) and read more at our Mueller blog.

Emmet had his 2nd birthday this weekend. He celebrated by being awesome.

Found a new lightweight GTD program, Tudumo, which I am totally in love with. More to come on that, including a forthcoming post about task hierarchies vs tag clouds. Whee.
This is funny beyond words, in the vein of Marmaduke Explained: Garfield Silenced
C'est ca.